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The River / La rivière

Writer's picture: River ChampeimontRiver Champeimont

This is a micro-article about an extra reason why I chose “River” as my name.

Ceci est un micro-article qui explique une autre raison pour laquelle j'ai choisi le nom River.

Every day of your life, you've walked a bit farther along the river, following the current. As a kid you were always curious about the river.

Chaque jour de ta vie, tu as marché un peu plus loin le long de la rivière, dans le sens du courant. Tu étais toujours curieuse de ce qu'il y avait de l'autre côté.

An illustrated scene of a young boy walking along the shore of a small, narrow stream.

It would have been easy to cross the river at the beginning, as it was only a small stream back then, but you were told it was forbidden, and you didn’t see any reason to do it. No one ever crossed the river.

Ça aurait été facile de traverser au début, car ce n'était qu'un ruisseau alors, mais on t'a dit que c'était interdit et que personne ne faisait jamais ça.

An illustrated scene of a slightly older boy with long hair walking along the shore of a larger, wider river. The river appears deeper and flows stead

So, you kept walking along the river for decades. And one day, you realize you’re on the wrong side. But now, the river has become a wide, rushing body of water, and the other bank is far away.

Alors tu as continué à marcher le long de la rivière pendant des années. Et un jour, tu te rends compte qu'en fait tu es du mauvais côté.

An illustrated scene of a man with long hair and an androgynous style standing by the shore of a large, wide river.

But finally, you decide to cross anyway. This was hard. But you made it.

Mais tu décides de traverser quand même. C'était difficile mais tu arrives de l'autre côté.

An illustrated scene of a woman standing clearly on the shore of a very wide river, not in the water, with her face visible and showing a tired face

And now you live on the other side. And you are happy.

Et maintenant tu vis de l'autre côté, et tu es heureuse.

An illustrated scene of a very wide river with a woman standing on the shore, now appearing as a woman after a long journey.


© 2020-2025 River Champeimont

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